


①Spoken english lessons - 4. Short english dialogue every day. Saying goodbye. English conversation

Improve your speaking and listening skills with simple english dialogue.

Key english phrases fro Unit 4 'Saying goodbye':
- It is too late. It is time to go now.
- It was great to see you.
- See you soon. Bye Bye!
- Take care. Bye!

②日常英語 03 さようなら 03→終わりの後で連続して「さよなら」の会話が続きます。


③10 Ways To Say Good-Bye | Easy English Conversation Practice | ESL/EFL→マークの英会話・アニメ・7分


④ 15 different ways to say Goodbye in English - Free English vocabulary lesson ( ESL )
 ※ 操作すれば英語字幕はでます。


⑤英語でFormalとInfromalの解説 (8分)
How To Say Goodbye in English | American English University





  • (1)《別れの切り出し》
  • (a)一般的表現
    1-1: Now it's time to go (leave).(*5:p219)
    1-2: Uh, will you excuse me?(*1:p18)
    2-1: I'm afraid I've got to be going. :(*1:p18)á本文p67の下線部④
    2-2: I really think I should be leaving.(*3:p25)
     =Oh, it's really late. I should be going.(*1:p18)
    2-3: It's been nice talking to you, but I really must be going now.(*1:p18)
     =It's been nice talking to you, but I'm afraid I can't(mustn't) stay any longer(*2:p207)
    3-1: I'm afraid I must say “Good-bye”(“Sayonara”).(*5:p219)
    3-2: I hate to say “Sayonara”.
  • (b)理由を告げる
    1-1: Oh, it's getting rather late. I'm afraid I must go now.(*3:p25)
    1-2: Well,I'm afraid I've taken up too much of your time. I must be going now.(*3-p206)
    2-1: I'm awfully sorry, but I'm meeting someone in five minutes.
    2-2: I'm afraid I've got to go. I have another appointment at five.
      {1→(*2: 207): 2→(*4:p139)}
  • (c) つかの間、場を離れる
    1-1: Oh, it's getting rather late. I'm afraid I must go now.(*3:p25)
    1-2: Well,I'm afraid I've taken up too much of your time. I must be going now.(*3-p206)
    2-1: I'm awfully sorry, but I'm meeting someone in five minutes.
    2-2: I'm afraid I've got to go. I have another appointment at five.
      {1→(*2: 207): 2→(*4:p139)}
  • (d) つかの間、場を離れる-2
    1)Excuse me, I'll be back in a moment.(*2:p206)
    2)Will you excuse me for a moment, please. (*2:p206)
    3)I'm afraid I have to leave you for a moment.(*2:p206)
  • (e) その他
    ◎I really had a good time in Japan. Thank you very much for coming to see me off.(*5:p217)
     {※下線部→your kindness, everything, all your help等}


  • (2)《引き留め》
  • 1) Ah, come on, can't you stay a little longer? (*1:p18)(*3:p25)
    2) I'm sorry you have to go soon.(*1:p18)
    3) I was hoping to be able to talk with you some more.(*1:p18)
  • □Well, don't let me keep you. {じゃあ、お引き留めできませんね} (*7:p8)


  • (3)《別れの世辞》
  • 1) I had a really nice time tonight.(*1:p18)
    2) I've really enjoyed myself.(*1:p18)
    3) Thank you very much for your hospitality.(*1:p18)
    4) It's been nice seeing you.(*6:p115) 詳細→[会話体系-8&10]参照
  • □I'm really glad you enjoyed yourself ( yourselves ).(*1:p18)


  • (4)《別れの言葉》
  • (a) Good-by型
      1: Good-bye for you.{またいつかね}(*6:p115)
  • (b) じゃあね&ご機嫌用型
     1: Good luck! (*5:p219) {ごきげんよう}(*6:p114)
     2: Take it easy.{じゃ、またね[無理しないでね]}(*6:p114)
       =Take care. ( Take care of yourself.)(*6:p115)}
     3: All the very best.{頑張ってください}(*5:p219)
     4: So long. Good night. (*7:p6)
     5: With all my love, Jady.(*2:p210)
  • (c)つかの間、場を離れる
     1: Have a nice weekend! Same to you.{君もね}(*6:p115)
     2: Have a good day.(*6:p115)
     ※[良い日を型]→Good night. や Good luckもこの型に入る。
  • (d)あとでね型
     1: See you again [ around ]. See you ( again ) soon. (*3:p29)
     2: See you later [ tomorrow, Sunday....]. (*6:p114)
  • (e)家族の人によろしく
     1: Please say hello to Joe for me.(*3:p205)
     2: Please remember me to Miss Yoko.(*6:p115)
     3: Give my regards to your parents.(*3:p205)
     4: Please [ Will you ] give my best regards to your family [ everyone ]. (*5:p217)
  • ※Goodbyeは丁寧な言葉で、アメリカはcasual型が好まれるため、余り使われず、むしろ日本の方がしばしば使われているとのこと。→(さらに丁寧) Until next time we meet, goodbye.
       {『NHK 3カ月英会話1995・9』p62, 66→(*8)}


  • (5)《再会の約束等》
  • (a)また、お会いしましょう。
    1-1: Please come to see us again.(*5:p217)
      2: Let's ( I hope we can ) get together soon.(*7:pp6-8)
    2-1: I hope you'll come to see us again. (*5:p217)
    2: I hope we'll meet again sometime.(*5:p219)
    3-1: I'm looking forward to seeing [ meeting ] you again [then].(*5:p219)
    2: I'll look forward to seeing you soon.(*2:p209)現在形も可能
    4-1: If you come back this way again, don't hesitate to give me a call.(*1:p18)
  • (b) (今度)いつ会えますか。
    1-1: When can we get together again?(*1:p18)
      2: When will we meet you next time.(*5:p219)
    2-1: Do you have any plans to come here again soon?(*1:p18)
  • (c)次の機会(に)は・・・・・・
    1-1: Next time, be sure and stay a little longer.(*1:p18)
    2: Next time, be sure to bring your wife with you.(*1:p18)
    2-1: You are welcome any time.(*5:p217)


  • (6)その他
  • 1: I hope you have nice trip. And be sure to write me as soon as you get there.(*3:p39)
    2: I hope you'll have a nice trip.(*5:p219)
    3: I'll miss you.(*5:p219)




(*1)『英会話 POWER UP 30分』(アルク)、1990年
(*2)Jon Blundell・Jonathan Higgens・Nigel Middlemiss『FUNCTION IN ENGLISH』(OXFORD), 1982
(*7)William L. Clark 『BASIC CONVERSATION』(KENKYUSHA)、1962年