



  • ①1分・文字
    Daily English Conversations 39: I ate at the hotel.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3eyAIqAkro



  • ②1分。簡易
    No.159 フロントに電話する。(ココネ 動画で英会話)
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIT2cGbvLJo




  • ③REINY先生の英会話#23 ホテルのチェックイン
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J53oLlhpUiU




  • ④マーク:アニメ:約4分
    At a Hotel | Easy English Conversation Practice | ESL
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMsAy5gcKf4




  • 英会話 レッスン : 電話でホテルの予約 (19分)
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuKR4dVm9qM&index=31&list=PLqWRePf3gdLapOVlzRxJHoikOCHpwY503




  • (1)《予約》
  • 1)予約
    1: I have a reservation for three nights. (*2:p101)
    2: I'd like a {single, twin, double} room  { with bath, without bath} for three persons for three nights.
  • 2)予約変更
    1: Would it possible to change my reservation? (*2:p111)
      Can I change the March 10th reservation to March 11th for one night. (*3:p162)
    2: I'd like to cancel my reservation.(*3:p162)
  • 3)ホテル紹介を請う
    1: Could you recommend a hotel in the city center? (*3:p161)
    2: Do you have a hotel guide? (*3:p161)
    3: Could you tell me the name of a hotel which costs about 10,000 yen per one night? (*4:p40)


  • (2)チェックイン・チェックアウト
  • 1)部屋問合せ
    1: Do you have a room for tonight? =Is there a room available tonight?(*2:p203) ※利用できる
     =Do you have any rooms available tonight?
  • 2)申込
    1: A twin room without bath for a just one night.
    I'd like a twin room, please.(*2:p103)
    2: How much do you charge for the rooms? (*5:p86) ※charge=(料金を)請求する
     =What's the rate for a single room? (*2:p105)
    3: Here's the registration card.
      Can you tell me how to fill out this form? (*2:p107)
    □I'd like to check in, please. (*2:p107)á本文p79①
  • 3)チェックアウト
    1: I'd like to check out. My bill, please.(*3:p175)á本文p79①
    2: I'm leaving early tomorrow morning. Please have my bill ready.(*3:p175)
    3: I' think there is a mistake in this bill.(*3:p175)
    a) I have already paid for this.(*3:p175)
    b) I didn't make any phone calls.(*3:p175)


  • [★記入事項例]→事前に記録を作成しておくと便利である。
  • full name          last name [名字]      first name [名前]
    date of birth [生年月日]   place of birth [出生地]   age  [年齢]
    home address [住所]   phone [電話番号] nationality [国籍]  
    passport number      firm [勤務先]
    from where [前泊地]   next destination[目的地]
    mail forwarding address[手紙などの転送先]    signature [署名]


  • (3)《鍵(カギ)》
  • 1)鍵をもらう
    1: May I have the key for Room 201.(*2:p131)á本文p80⑯、(25)
    2: I'm afraid this is wrong key. (*2:p125)á本文p80の(24)
  • 2)鍵を借りる
    1: I locked myself out. What do you suggest I do? (*2:p121)á本文p80の(22)
    2: May I borrow a duplicate key for Room 201.  (=master key) (*2:p123)
    3: I left the room key in my room.(*3:p169)
    4: I lost the room key.(*3:p169)


  • (4)サービスを頼む
  • (A)預け物
    1: Can I deposit valuables here?
     How long would you like us to keep them?
     Till next Monday when we check out.(*2:p113)
    2: Could I have my valuables back, please?(*3:p1)
    3: Can I check my luggage here?(*2:p113)
  • (B)サービス一般
    a) 両替 
     1: I'd like to have this cashed, please.(*2:p127)
     2: Can you exchange this for US dollars?
      ­ Five tens, five fives and the rest in ones, please. (*2:p129)
    b)メイクベット= Will you make the bed while I am out?(*2:p115)
    c) 洗濯  =Do you have laundry service?(*5:p18)
    d)モーニングサービス=Please wake me up at seven tomorrow morning. (*2:p117)
    e)手助け=Please send up a boy to help me with the luggage.(*2:p109)
    f)車手配 =Would you call a limousine? (*2:p143)
    g)ルームサービス= How do I ask for room service?(*5:p18)
      ア) Please bring me a pot of coffee.(*3:p168)
      イ) This is room 316. I'd like a blanket, please.(*3:p168)※[bl¢¿k§t]
      ウ) I'd like to order breakfast for tomorrow.(*3:p169)


  • (5)《その他》
  • 1)トラブル
     1: The hot water runs over the bathtub.(*3:p171)
     2: The air-conditioner doesn't work. (*3:p171) {The TV set ....}
     3: The light doesn't work. (*3:p171)
     4: The toilet doesn't flush. (*3:p171)
      ※flush (水などが)どっと流れる、ほとぼしる、赤面する。
      ※Could you send someone for me? (*3:p171)
  • 2)緊急事態
     1: I had my camera stolen in my room. (*3:p170)
     2: What do you want me to do?
      This is all the money I have. Don't kill me! (*3:p172)
  • )その他
     1: You've been very helpful. (*5:p18)
     2: Was there any phone call for me?
     3: ホテルに電話をかけ場所を聞く How do I get to your hotel? (*3:p163)
     4: I'll be arriving around 8 o'clock.(*3:p165)


  • 【会話体系13の主な参考文献】
  • 【会話体系14の主な参考文献】
    (*5)小川邦彦『NHK ENGLISH CONVERSATION PROGRAM』(NHK サービスセンター)、1988