


How to Apologizing with others in spoken englsih


②アニメ:Use Polite Words - Animated Lesson with Sign Language


③Good Manners | Polite | Easy English Conversation Practice | ESL


④Spoken English - Asking Permission/Making Requests
 ※ 操作すれば英語字幕はでます。


⑤Using 'Will', 'Might' and 'Would'



  • (1)《丁寧な英語の表現のレベル》
  • Level-1:(簡単な表現)
    1)Open the window, (please).
    2)Please open the window.
  • Level-2:(普通の 表現)
    1)Open the window, will you?
    2)Will you open the window?
    3)Can you open the window?
  • Level-3:(丁寧な 表現)
    1)Would you (please) open the window?⇒「期待しての依頼」=指示的なニャアンスを含む
    2)Would you mind opening the widow?
    3)Could you open the window?áゆるやかで遠慮がちな依頼。
    4)I'd appreciate it if you could open the window?⇒婉曲な表現。


  • (2)《丁寧な英語・応用-1:謝罪の表現》
  • Level-1:
    1) I'm sorry.
    2) I'm so sorry. I'm very sorry.
  • Level-3:
    1) I'm terribly sorry.
  • Level-4:
    1) I apologize ( I'd like to apologize ) for causing you so much trouble.
    2) I'd like to offer (express) my deepest apologies.
    3) I don't know how to apologize, but.....


  • (3)《丁寧な英語・応用-2:その他》
  • 1: You are wrong.
     ⇒I'm not sure you are correct. {Well, I'm not so sure about it.} (*1: p89)
    2: Sorry, I don't like cottage cheese.
     I'm sorry, I don't care for cottage cheese.
     { I'm sorry, cottage cheese don't agree with me.} (*1: p118)


  • (4)《人称の使い方》
  • ①First nameについて⇒日本と異なり、心理的距離を縮めることもpolitenessにつながるという。そのため、場合によっては相手の伴侶などの名前も努力して覚えることも大事であるという
  • ②本人の聞こえる所ではhe/sheは使わない
    He wants a dozen navel oranges. ([店員]この人ネーブル12個欲しいんですって)=×
    This customer would like a dozen navel oranges.
    [一般] This gentleman/lady would like to go to South Station.
  • ③人称の順:◇二人称→三人称→一人称の順に
    You, your sister, and I will teach composition next year.


  • (5)《アドバイスの仕方》
  • A:強い形となるアドバイス
  • a)Had better
    ①目上→目下 or 脅かし(親が子に)
    John, you'd better stop running around in the room.
    You'd better hurry up. The train is leaving in a few minutes.
    ③friendly advice (出かける前の子への母のアドバイス) 
    ▼You'd better take your umbrella.
  • b)shouldとmust
    ①should You should put horseradish in your soy sauce. ※horseradish=西洋わさび
    ②mustYou must dip sukiyaki in a raw egg before eating it.
    ③have to You have to wash yourself outside bathtub.
  • ※mustとhave toの相違→(*3: p64){must=主観、have to=客観}


  • B:弱い形となるアドバイス
  • be supposed to、You might、You could
    It might be a good idea or Wouldn't it be a good idea to ~ 
  • [例] It might be a good idea to try the municipal library.
      You might find the book you are looking for.
  • C:その他
  •  How about ~ ing、Why don't you~ 
      ⇒ informal→(目上には使わない方がbetter)
    医者等=I would advise you to ~、I would suggest ~

(*2)『NHKテレビ 3か月英会話 10』(日本放送出版協会)、1994
(*3)Raymond Murphy『English Grammar In Use』(Cambridge University Press),1985
(*4)Jon Blundell・Jonathan Higgens・Nigel Middlemiss『FUNCTION IN ENGLISH』(OXFORD), 1982:pp211-213