
  • ●今回(2016年3月19日)から各国首脳の英語特集を行う。

  • 【各国の首脳の英語特集・構成】
  • (1)朴槿恵英語演説
    ①Park addresses Congress on North Korea(約6分:英語字幕)
    ②South Korean President Park Address To Joint Meeting Of Congress (英語字幕:41分)
  • (2)李首相の英語
     ※(李克強:李克强:りこくきょう、リー・クーチアン、Li Keqiang。1955年~)
    Chinese premier can also speak English (英語字幕:2分)
  • (3)安倍総理の英語
    ①Abe Offers WWII Condolences in Historic Speech(英文字幕なし:2分)
    ②Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan's Address to a Joint Meeting of Congress

  • (4)小泉元首相の即興英語
    ①English speech of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.(報道ステーション:約3分)
    ②Bush meets PM Koizumi(約3分:大半日本語
  • 【浜田コメント】


  • (4)は下記理由で今回掲載中止とする。(以下、2016年3月20日0:23記述箇所)



  • (1)朴槿恵英語演説
    ①Park addresses Congress on North Korea(英語字幕:6分)
  • (掲載日):(2016年3月19日掲載:掲載期間約一か月)
  • 【リンク】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA3Mwjko9iQ
  • 【YouTube記載】2013/05/08 に公開
    South Korean President Park Geun-hye addressed the US Congress on May 8, 2013. In this excerpt of her speech, she speaks about North Korea's ongoing provocations.


  • ②South Korean President Park Address To Joint Meeting Of Congress (英語字幕:41分)
  • (掲載日):(2016年3月19日掲載)
  • 【リンク】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIch94Sc5-E
  • 【YouTube記載】2013/05/12 に公開
    South Korean President Park Address To Joint Meeting Of Congress


  • (2) 李克強首相の英語
    Chinese premier can also speak English (英語字幕:2分)
  • (掲載日):(2016年3月19日掲載:掲載期間約)
  • 【リンク】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwOz0E1kwkQ
  • 【YouTube記載】2013/06/14 に公開



  • (3)安倍総理の英語
    ① Abe Offers WWII Condolences in Historic Speech(英文字幕なし:2分)
  • (掲載日):(2016年3月19日掲載)
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdMC_oGJzy0
  • 【備考】当初、「Abe Voices No Apology for War History in US Congress Address (英語字幕:2分)」掲載していたが、2016年3月20日未明に上記(3)①に置き換え。
  • 【YouTube記載】2015/04/29 に公開
    Declaring "history is harsh," Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan offered solemn condolences Wednesday for the Americans who died in World War II as he became the first Japanese leader to address a joint meeting of Congress. (April 29)

  • ②Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan's Address to a Joint Meeting of Congress
  • (掲載日):(2016年3月19日掲載)
  • 【リンク】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzy4exj0YPg
  • 【YouTube記載】2015/04/29 にライブ配信




  • (4)小泉元総理の即興英語 →  備考の理由で掲載保留とする。
  • (掲載日):(2016年3月19日掲載)
  • 【リンク】
  • 浜田コメント】
    当初、アメリカ議会用などの準備十分な英語ではないので掲載すまいかと思ったが、小泉さんの「Love me tender」が効いた。英語で外国人に向けてはなすときは、一に土台にヒューマニズム、二に堂々と、三にユーモア、である。最後が英語である。もっとも、買い物などするときには用が果たせねばならぬが、それでも先の原則(相手への思いやりを含むヒューマニズム)が土台に必要である。
  • 【YouTube記載】2015/08/06 に公開
    English speech of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.
    Looking back at the honeymoon of Koizumi and President Bush that five years.
  • 【備考】報道ステーションから



  • ②Bush meets PM Koizumi(約3分:大半日本語)
  • (掲載日):(2016年3月19日掲載)
  • 【リンク】
  • 掲載中止→上記(4)①のため。
  • 【浜田コメント】(2016年3月19日記述。削除の有無は後日検討。理由は掲載動画が変化しているため)
  • 【YouTube記載】2015/07/21 に公開

    Washington DC - 25 September 2001
    1. Koizumi and Bush walking out of Oval Office
    2. SOUNDBITE (English) George Bush, US President
    "The Prime Minister and I had a wide ranging discussion about ways in which we can cooperate with each other to fight global terrorism, most notably we talked about the need to work in a way to cut off their funding. The Prime Minister also talked about ways that Japan will share intelligence, that will work cooperatively on the diplomatic front. We had a great discussion."
    3. Cutaway reporters
    4. SOUNDBITE (English) George Bush, US President
    "Not only am I pleased with the great cooperation that we are having with our friend the Japanese. I am most pleased that the Saudi Arabians yesterday cut of relations with Taliban and that President Putin in a strong statement to the world talked about the cooperation that Russia and the United States will have on combatting global terrorism as well."
    5. Bush and Koizumi shaking hands
    6. SOUNDBITE (English) Junichiro Koizumi, Japanese Prime Minister
    "I am very pleased to say we are friends, had a great talk friendly. And I conveyed what I am thinking, we Japanese stand by the United States to fight terrorism, we could make sure about this global objective. We must fight terrorism with determination and patience."
    7. Bush and Koizumi shaking hands
    7. Cutaway reporters
    8. SOUNDBITE (Japanese, English translation) Junichiro Koizumi, Japanese Prime Minister
    "I believe there are many ways to cooperate. There is one way to provide financial assistance, but there are diplomatic means, there are ways to provide medical assistance to refugees, there is ways to transport the supplies and I believe that these are all various ways in which we can cooperate."

    Arlington, Virginia - 25 September 2001
    9. Pan view of car arriving
    10. KOizunmi walking out of car and shaking hands with US Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz


    President George W. Bush on Tuesday hailed the latest signs that other nations were joining the coalition against terror.

    He spoke to reporters as he posed with Japan's prime minister for pictures outside the Oval Office.

    Speaking to the gathered media, Bush pointed to Saudi Arabia's decision to cut ties with the Afghan government -- and Russia's promise to bolster the Afghan opposition.

    Despite his nation's pacifist constitution, Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi promised to provide logistical and medical help to US forces.

    Two Japanese newspapers have reported Japan will send warships to the Indian Ocean as early as this week to carry out intelligence and surveillance missions.

    The squadron may accompany the USS Kitty Hawk, an aircraft carrier that left its base near Tokyo on Friday, the reports said.

    Japan and six other industrialised countries also have instructed their respective cabinets to specify measures to stem the flow of funds to violent extremists and enhance aviation security.

    Standing next to Bush, Koizumi said: "We Japanese stand by the United States to fight terrorists."

    Bush says the developments show that the coalition of freedom-loving people is strong.

    Earlier in the day, the Japanese leader had met US Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and been given a private tour of the damaged Pentagon.

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