



Drunken sailor. (下記にはアイルランド民謡にルーツ)とあるがほぼそっくりの歌がニュージーランドにもある。

Drunken Sailor

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“Drunken Sailor”
Written 19th century or earlier
Genre Sea shanty
“Drunken Sailor”, also known as “What Shall We Do with a/the Drunken Sailor?” or “Up She Rises”, is a traditional sea shanty, listed as No. 322 in the Roud Folk Song Index. It was sung aboard sailing ships at least as early as the 1830s.

The song’s lyrics vary, but usually contain some variant of the question, “What shall we do with a drunken sailor, early in the morning?” In some styles of performance, each successive verse suggests a method of sobering or punishing the drunken sailor. In other styles, further questions are asked and answered about different people.

“Drunken Sailor” was revived as a popular song among non-sailors in the 20th century, and grew to become one of the best-known songs of the shanty repertoire among mainstream audiences. It has been performed and recorded by many musicians and appeared regularly in popular culture.

Origin and melody
Duration: 0 seconds.0:00
The authorship and origin of the song are unknown, but it bears a resemblance with the traditional Irish folk song “Óró sé do bheatha abhaile” due to its shared chord progression and use of repeated lyrics over melodic sequences .


典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

ウェラーマン」(英語Wellerman) 、あるいは「スーン・メイ・ザ・ウェラーマン・カム」(英語Soon May the Wellerman Come) は1860年から70年くらいに作られたと考えられている、海を歌ったニュージーランド民謡である[1][2]




この歌の歌詞は「Billy o’ Tea」と呼ばれる捕鯨船ミナミセミクジラRight Whale)に遭遇する様子を描いている。乗組員はウェラー兄弟の従業員である「ウェラーマン」が贅沢品を供給してくれることを期待している[3]繰り返し部分では乗組員が「すぐにウェラーマンが来て、砂糖紅茶ラム酒を持ってきてくれるだろう」と願っている[1]

ニュージーランドのフォークソングのウェブサイトである『New Zealand Folk Song』にあるこの歌の項目によると、「こうした湾内捕鯨基地の労働者は賃金を支払われておらず、既製服(出来合いの衣類)、蒸留酒たばこで支払われていた」という[1]

スコットランドの音楽家であるネイサン・エヴァンズは2020年12月にTikTokにこの歌を歌うところを投稿し、それによってこの歌はさらによく知られ、シーシャンティに関する関心が高まるようになった[15]。リミックスなども作られるようになった[22]。TikTok起源であるため、このトレンドは”ShantyTok”と呼ばれている[22]。エヴァンスのバージョンは2021年1月21日にポリドール・レコードから発売された[22][23]。リリースから8週後に「ウェラーマン (220 KID & Billen Ted TikTok Remix)」がイギリスのチャート1位となり、3月8日にはこの曲のミュージックビデオも発表された[24]。2021年7月6日には日本のお笑いコンビであるチョコレートプラネットがエヴァンズのヴァージョンをカバーし、パロディミュージックビデオも発表した


santiano santiano
This article is about the German band. For the song by French singer Hugues Aufray, see Santiano (song).

Santiano is a German band from the northern state of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, whose songs combine rock, Irish folk, sea shanty, and schlager music. The name Santiano is taken from the Hugues Aufray song of the same name. They topped the German album charts multiple times in the 2010s, also ranking high in Austrian and Swiss charts.

The idea for the band originated with German producer Hartmut Krech of Flensburg, who owns the Elephant Music label. On 3 February 2012, the band appeared at We Love Music, an event promoted by Universal Music and ProSiebenSat.1 Media. Their first album, titled Bis ans Ende der Welt (“To the end of the World”), was released in 2012. It reached #1 in the German charts. That same year, the group completed a European tour, including a performance at the Wacken Open Air festival. A live CD/DVD of the event was released in November 2012.


Santiano (song)
“Santiano” is a 1961 song, inspired by the sea shanty “Santianna”, which uses the same tune. The song tells of a ship from Saint Malo bound to San Francisco, which is described as a place of great wealth. The French-language version was popularized first in the 1960s by Hugues Aufray.

Original version
In the early 1960s, the song was recorded in French by artist Hugues Aufray. It is by far the most well-known shanty in France and was released in 1961. The song’s French lyrics were composed by the French writer Jacques Plante. The song was included on Aufray’s 2007 compilation Les 50 plus belles chansons.



