第14回世界の歌【🎼】🇺🇸US Part-5 №21❷会場📖安らぎ文庫HPの⑦番の解説
2023/11/23 12:58に掲載
What is the Etos of American culture?
In the process of posting “the 14th World Song・USA “, I was pursuing “What is American culture?”, “What is American individuality?”, and more specifically, “What is American ethos?”.
The current conclusion is that the ethos of American culture is being fused and created from around the world. When I was a freshman in university, I was forced to read John Steinbeck’s “America and Americans” in my English class. I remembered this book.
America today is similar to the Tang Dynasty around the 7th century. At that time, the Tang Dynasty was flooded with a vast amount of culture, not only from Japan and Korea, but also from the Middle East, Persia, Southeast Asia, and so on. Tang Dynasty was the world’s entertainment powerhouse. People were looking for new things, and they jumped on one fresh thing after another, just like a weekly magazine dedicated to entertainment.
The same is true of modern America.
In any case, in order to keep consumers from getting bored, America continued to import new things and cultures from Europe, such as England, Ireland, France, and Germany, as well as from Africa.
However, there are the differences between China’s Tang Dynasty and America. America is a new country.
Therefore, I concluded that the ethos of American culture is currently in the midst of its formation in this special feature. I would like to remind you that many people can not understand the difference between American and Canadian culture.
The last song of No. 21 is Pink Martini’s content. Listening to her songs, the songs from the Middle East and West Asia were really wonderful. This time, I was confused again. I was confused between her Japan songs and Iranian songs. Today, I felt that the latter was more appealing to people. I was planning on posting a her Japanese song, but I started to wonder if I should change it to Iranian one. At that moment, I came across the video in which Yuki-sama appeared. (In Japanese,”sama” means special honorific title.) Therefore, I decided to go with Japan as originally planned.
Yuki-sama is Saori Yuki, a Japanese singer. There is a possibility that I will soon meet Ms. Yuki in “Tetsuko’s Room” via video and she seems to have a close relationship with Pink Martini, so it was still as originally planned.
Her (Pink Martini’s) Iranian song hinted at the fate of musical fusion (cultural integration). This is how American culture merges. In her Japanese song, it was suggested that America has always been the world of the movie “Modern Times” in order not to bore American audiences.
In American culture, once a certain pattern becomes popular, everyone pursues the same pattern. In this way, for a while, only the same things are pursued. This continues for a long time, and individuality is lost. This is now.
However, at certain times, new things are sought after. In order to keep viewers from getting bored, new things become explosive hits at certain times. This is repeated. The last thing that remains is the ethos of culture.
As I introduced in “Songs of the World,” American songs range from the Banjo era such as “Cotton-eyed Joe”… , the “Sing Sing Sing” era, … the era of Western and country music such as “Ghost Riders in the Sky” …, folk and electric music …, to the rock era of Michael Jackson, and so on.
And now, I have analyzed that America is in an intermediate zone between the latent demand for a new culture and the preoccupation with existing and current versions.
Apparently, she (Pink Martini) appeared on Japan’s”Kohaku Uta Gassen (Red & White Year-end Song Festival),” but I haven’t watched the show since around 2000, nor have I watched “The Japan Record Award”. I met her in a special feature on the Middle East and had been thinking of introducing her to her someday.
In this song, she was confused by Japanese, and considering her ability, I wonder if it was just my imagination that I felt like she wasn’t up to her full potential.
Her Middle Eastern songs like Turkish songs and Iranian songs were great.
I’m considering introducing Pink Martini’s Iranian songs somewhere in the US special edition.

This is the era of Pax of Americana. It is true that countries around the world are imitating America and losing not only their own culture but also their own ethos.
🥴Now that I’ve woken up from hypnosis, I’m thinking about this manuscript.
😩The manuscript this time was not good. 🥺
🥱I’m going to sleep now.😴
😤That’s ridiculous.😫
November 23, 2023 5:30am
The above content was written under hypnosis and is invalid. The exception is postscripts, and only postscripts are facts.
The analysis of American culture is not yet complete. At this point, it is too early for me to discuss American culture.
There are a number of parts of my English text that should be corrected, but I dare not correct them. That is my policy. This is because fixing meaningless things is meaningless and just a waste of time.
The same applies to studying.
As for Ms. Pink Martini, I believe in her abilities. That’s all.
In conclusion→🤷…😡…😩…🥺…🥴…🥱..🤷.
November 23, 2023 11:44am
現時点での結論は、アメリカの文化のethosは世界から融合され、つくられつつあるという、進行形である。大学一年のときに、英語の授業で、John Steinbeckの 「アメリカとアメリカ人 (America and Americans) 」を読まされたことがある。この本を思い出した。
№21の最後の曲はPink Martiniさんのコンテンツである。彼女の歌を聴いていると、中東・西部アジアの曲が大変素晴らしかった。今回も彼女の日本の曲とイランの曲と迷った。後者の方が人を魅惑するような気が本日はした。日本の曲を掲載予定でいたが、イランに変えようか等と迷い始めた瞬間に、ゆき様が登場したビデオに出会った。そこで、私は当初の予定通りに日本関連とした。
ゆき様とは、日本の歌手・由紀さおりさんである。間もなく、ビデオではあるが徹子の部屋で由紀さんと対面する可能性もあるため、やはり当初の予定通りとした。 由紀さんはPink Martiniさんと親交があるようだからである。
彼女(Pink Martini)のイランの歌では音楽の融合(文化の統合)の行く末が暗示されていた。アメリカの文化はこうして融合するのだ、と。日本の歌の方では、アメリカの視聴者を飽きさせないため、アメリカは常に映画「モダンタイムズ」の世界であることが示唆されていた。
私が「世界の歌」で紹介したように、アメリカの歌は「Cotton-eyed Joe」等のバンジョー(Banjo)時代、「Sing Sing Sing」風の時代、…「ゴースト・ライダーズ・イン・ザ・スカイ(Ghost Riders in the Sky)」等の西部劇音楽及びカントリーの時代、フォーク、エレキ…そして、Michael Jackson…のロックの時代、…と続いていった。
彼女(Pink Martini)は日本の「紅白歌合戦」に出演されたそうであるが、私は2000年頃から同番組は一切見ていないし、日本のレコード大賞もみていない。中東特集で彼女に出会い、いつか紹介しようと考えていた。
ピンク・マティーニ(Pink Martini)さんのイランの歌はアメリカ特集中のどこかで紹介を検討している。
2023年11月23日 午前5: 00